Friday, August 31, 2012

I Smell Fall...

Hello Everyone!  Sorry for the long post delay.  I hope to get better with this as time goes on, but in reality, I will most likely keep hoping and apologizing.  Either way, fishing has continued to be great over the past month or so.  I have been in Pittsburg for the majority of that time and am now back in southern NH where my teaching job is just around the corner.  I should be spending the bulk of my weekends back in Pittsburg as the fall weather starts to take over and once the season has ended up there it will be back to fishing my local waters.  I was just contacted a few days ago by the Three Rivers Stocking Association to see if I would be willing to donate a Pittsburg Trip for their annual fall fundraiser and I happily agreed.  I have done this for the past few years and feel that it is the least I can do to help a fishery that in the end helps me.  I believe that the fundraiser will be on September 24th this year in Portsmouth.  More details will follow as the event gets closer, but it is a great time with many wonderful auction items that go for way too cheap each year!  I have a few openings left for Pittsburg and a few left for the local rivers after October 15th.  If you are interested in taking a trip feel free to send me an email or give me a buzz.

Max with one of his first flyrod fish!

Kris with a fat bow

My New Addiction : 30 yrds