Tuesday, December 24, 2013

A "Three Rivers" Trip....

The Three Rivers Stocking Association did a wonderful job this fall.  There were some absolutely beautiful fish put in and it made for very productive days of fishing.  I tend to get very busy in the fall and only got out a few times with clients, but when I did we were rewarded.  I really can not say enough about the beauty of these rivers as well.  I tend to enjoy each river in different ways during certain seasons as well.  For me, I enjoy fishing the Isinglass in the last couple of weeks in October as well as the first few weeks in November.  The leaves have turned and mostly fallen by this point and it is just about as scenic as you can get.  The Cocheco is one of my early season spots and I tend to fish there more in late March or early April.  The fish spread out and can be caught large distances below where they have been stocked.  If you explore down river, you will be pleasantly surprised with how scenic the river really is.  The Lamprey has always been a late fall / early winter area for me.  The faster water keeps the ice away and will fish better later in the year.  I am already starting to book trips on the weekends in late March and early April.  If you would like to explore the three rivers feel free to shoot me an email.  Even if you just have a question, send it my way and I will do my best to lead you in the right direction!  I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas and a happy holiday season! 
- Patrick@fishstoryguideservice.com
Nice Cocheco Rainbow

Fall Colors on the Isinglass

Silvery Lamprey Bow

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Time Flies....

Hello Everyone!
     Happy Columbus Day, Halloween, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving and Holidays in general!  Man I can not believe how the time has flown by this fall.  There are way too many fish stories to be told in one post, so my plan is to try and do a few posts here in December on a few different fishing events from the fall.  I am in the tail end of my deer hunting season as well and have yet to get my deer, so I need to focus for one more weekend and then it is back to the normal routine of things.  But back to fall fishing.  The end of the Pittsburg season was great as always and many clients were able to get into some fine looking salmon.  I kept exploring, and found some more productive salmon waters in the area as well.  I really enjoyed meeting a lot of friendly folks on the river and it seemed like most people were having a great time with the leapers.  It is always bitter sweet on the last weekend of the season and it always leaves me wanting more.  I am already chomping at the bit to get back up to Pittsburg with a fly rod in my hand.  Enjoy some of the pictures from our fall trips in Pittsburg!


Nice Salmon Earl!


Chuck's Salmon

Cool Looking Eye

Rainbow in the Mix!

Bruiser 19" Salmon

Nice leaps from this one!

63rd Birthday Fish!