Sunday, April 21, 2013

And So it Begins...

Yes sir.  It's that time once again!  The fish are where they are supposed to be and we have been finding them on the ends of our lines as well.  This has been a long spring for me personally as I have been bouncing back from a knee surgery.  I feel great and am getting stronger by the day.  I have been lucky enough to have some repeat clients who eased me back into guiding nicely and boosted my confidence by telling me I haven't missed a step.  My southern NH days are all booked at this point, but Pittsburg is open for mid July into August and beyond.  Feel free to email me for information on trips this summer up there.  As for me, I am off to sleep as the fish will be calling my name once again in the morning.  Here are a few pics from the start of another wonderful guiding season!


Nice Bow
Way to go Jaci!
I think he ate a baseball!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Rested and Ready....

I got out for the first time since my knee surgery this past weekend.  The month of March was really crazy for me as I was not able to get out and fish at all.  I have never felt more anxious in my life.  That being said, the knee is healing daily and I am chomping at the bit to get going.  I fished for a few hours Saturday and Sunday in hopes to do a little scouting for some upcoming trips and just get back in the flow of things.  Well it was not hot and heavy, but there were fish caught and I had a great time.  Things seem to be about two weeks behind last year at this point in terms of water temps and fish starting to run up rivers, but there is some nice weather on the way and within the next few weeks things will get better.  I am booked up at the moment for southern New Hampshire, but have many slots left for Pittsburg in July and August.  If you are thinking about getting out for a trip in Pittsburg this summer let me know and we can make it happen!  Thanks to all of you who helped me out during my knee surgery!  I am very thankful to have such great friends!
