Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Father's Day Frenzy

Hey Everyone! 
     Just a quick, spur of the moment trip to a local watering hole on Sunday.  Things were great from start to finish.  Caddis were hatching, fish were taking emergers and we were catching fish.  We started with brookies and ended with bows, but we landed some of each on caddis dry flies.  This is always fun as you can watch fish come up to the fly.  I am glad I had a chance to fish local one last time before I am in Pittsburg for the next two months.  As always if you have a thought or a question, please feel free to email me or leave a comment on this blog!  Pittsburg here we come!

What a pro!

Good stuff right there!


Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Caddis, Caddis, Caddis...

There are some serious hatches going on all over the state right now.  One of my favorite hatches is that of the Caddis.  This little fly is a lot like me.  It really doesn't like to sit still for long periods of time.  Fortunately, for me though, if I do need a break, I will not get eaten by a monster trout by lingering a bit too long in one spot.  It is this constant motion that entices some of the most amazing trout rises I have ever seen.  Splashes everywhere can only mean one thing.  Throw on a Caddis.  I also enjoy using an emerging Caddis as well.  There is just something about feeling the trout take on a tight line that makes the hair stand on the back of my neck.  We were lucky enough to get into an emerging Caddis situation recently and my "sports" were rewarded nicely.  I officially have no more open dates for southern or central NH until after October 15th at this point.  I do however have plenty of open slots on weekdays during July and August in Pittsburg.  Water flows in Pittsburg are back closer to "normal" as of today, so let me know if you have an interest in booking a trip!  Enjoy some pictures of our recent trip!


Nice Fat Bow


Couldn't resist the Caddis


Thursday, June 5, 2014

Another Day in Paradise...

All sorts of things have been happening in Pittsburg these days.  First off the flows are quite a bit different from what is being posted on the internet.  As of this morning below first lake dam is running at about 50 cfs, not the posted 353 cfs.  Second lake dam is running at about 25 cfs which is not too bad if you like to hike around and throw some dries to pocket water fish.  There is a lot of potential in that area if you are willing to explore.  Below Murphy is about 300 cfs and much more conducive to wading than the 850 cfs that was running out a few days back.  The only concerning flow to me is the first lake dam at 50 cfs.  These areas have been recently stocked and the fish have not had a chance to spread out.  If the flows get back to normal in this area, the fish will disperse throughout the entire river and things will be great!  I just hope that people do not take advantage of the easy fishing and take home more fish than they need.  Either way, we are on the verge of actual "summer" type fishing in the north woods.  I only have two weeks left of teaching and will be up to Pittsburg for good after that.  I am chomping at the bit to get out there and introduce new "sports" to Pittsburg fishing!  If the fishing so far this season is any indication of what the summer will hold, you better strap in and hang on!  I have just a few weekend days left open for July and August, but there are many weekdays still waiting to be booked.  If you want to learn how to fly fish and do it in the most beautiful area of New Hampshire, let me know and I will set you up! Thanks for reading!


"King of the River"

Lots of spots!

"Painted Trillium" in the Trophy Stretch

Early Morning Bow